Physiotherapy helps stop the Pain, encourages healing and normal movement & teaches you how to help yourself. Physiotherapists are highly qualified health care professionals who specialise in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and disorders. They are also trained in manual therapy, dry needling and exercise prescription to enhance rehabilitation & improve overall health outcomes.
A quality physiotherapy clinic in VIC can offer you the best treatment for back & neck injury, sports injuries, headaches, pelvic girdle pain, chronic conditions like fibromyalgia and more. They can provide you with an individualized management plan and can refer you to other health care professionals if needed. They also provide extra services such as pelvic floor rehabilitation and personal training to help you feel more confident and empowered about your body.
Your Guide to Excellence: Features of a Quality Physiotherapy Clinic in VIC
The team at Richmond Steveston Physiotherapy is committed to providing the highest standards of care. They offer a wide range of services for individuals of all ages and fitness levels, including pelvic floor rehabilitation, personal training, massage therapy, and strength and conditioning classes. They have a 4.8-star rating on Google and are open six days a week.
Located 11 minutes from our South Yarra Physio practice, South Melbourne is a vibrant inner city suburb with signature bluestone-cobbled streets. It’s a melting pot of people from diverse cultures who live, work and socialise together. It is home to an array of low – and high-rise apartment towers, contemporary terraced houses and heritage cottages. It attracts trendsetters, young families, singles and professionals.